The next case in my series is based on the increasing demand from patient regarding queries on Improper overjet and overbite.

Overjet: Horizontal overlap of the upper teeth to the lower teeth when you bite down

Overbite: Vertical overlap of the upper teeth to the lower teeth when you bite down.

Ideally overjet and overbite needs to be +2 mm where upper teeth are ahead of the lower teeth by 2 mm and upper teeth cover the lower teeth by 2 mm.

I have explained this in my previous posts but is extremely important and parents have to look out for this in their children. If the overjet is in excess or if the upper teeth start to fall back behind the lower teeth these are warning signs and you need to get it addressed.

Today, I will show you the before and after braces photos of a patient who had a reverse overjet and overbite where the upper teeth were behind the lower teeth. If treated early then such a improper bite can be corrected (on most occasion) only with  braces, if left for too long then they the only way to correct them is through a surgery to the jaws.

Case 3: Negative overjet and overbite

Before Braces: Negative overjet, overbite and severe crowding

Post Braces: Ideal overjet, overbite and centre lines