My next case in the series is regarding severe crowding associated with a deep overbite or simply called a “Deep bite” in Orthodontics. Most patients get confused between an overjet and an overbite and is quite important to know the difference when looking in your child’s mouth. Ideally by age 7 to 8 years is when children need to be checked by their treating clinicians for any aberrant collusion traits.


In occlusion (when you bite down), the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth.  In the vertical upper teeth cover the lower teeth by 2mm(this is normal) anything more than 2 mm of vertical overlap is defined as a Deepbite (Fig 1). When the deep bite is severe one can hardly see the lower teeth when one bites down, this could lead to a severe breakdown of the supporting structures of the lower front teeth including severe wear of these teeth and eventually an early loss of the teeth.


This is the horizontal overlap of the upper teeth to the lower teeth and the normal value is again 2 mm. Anything more than 2 mm is a large overjet and needs to be checked.

Below is case of a patient with a 100% deep bite with severe crowding, before and after treatment (lower teeth not visible in bite).

Fig 1: Deep bite associated with severe crowding (Pre treatment), lower teeth cannot be visualised in bite

Fig 2: Post treatment , after correction, Treatment time 18 months

Fig 3: Before Treatment upper arch (severe crowding)

Fig 4 : After alignment , upper arch

Fig 5 : Before alignment , lower arch (moderate crowding)

Fig 6: Lower arch post alignment (lingual bonded retainer post braces to maintain alignment)

Case treated by Dr Anand , Align Dentistry & Medical Centre

Content author: Clixpert Digital Agency