A dentist will sedate you before they will give you a Root Canal Treatment. Root canal treatments can be painful because of what they involve – the removal of a nerve.

Luckily, dental treatments have evolved. Dentists in Sydney, today, give you a sedative before they drill your teeth. Sedation could be Oral or General Anaesthesia. Which treatment you receive will depend on the severity of your pain and the type of dental work you are looking to receive.

What Do Oral Sedation Treatments In Dentistry Involve?

In dentistry, oral sedation techniques involve the administration of sedative drugs via an oral route – the goal being to reduce patient anxiety and paint.

Oral sedation may be used for dental problems that include root canal treatments, tooth fillings, dental implants, teeth whitening procedures, dentures and tongue tie treatments.  Tongue tie (ankyloglossia) treatments, according to The Royal Women’s Hospital, Victoria, is a condition where ‘the thin piece of skin under the baby’s tongue is abnormally short and restricts the tongue movement causing nipple pain and trauma.’

What about General Anaesthetic treatments – when are they used in dentistry?

General Anaesthetic treatments are used in complicated dental surgery where anxiety or pain is likely to be high.

They cause a state of unconsciousness in the patient which may last several hours. General anaesthesia is likely to be used in bone grafts, gum surgery, endodontics, cosmetic injectables and other complicated dental treatments.

Do you have a say in whether you can opt for Oral Sedation or General Anaesthesia while undergoing dental treatment?

Usually, the answer is no. Your dentist is always in a better position to prescribe the treatment as most will have conducted surgery before.

It is unwise to argue with an experienced dentist – it is best to be led by them on the sedation technique that best fits the type of dental treatment you are undertaking – whether root canal, teeth whitening, dentures or other.

The purpose of both Oral Sedation and General Anaesthesia is to relax the patient in dentistry

Both sedation techniques block the nerves in your body from receiving pain signals from the site where the wound is present.

Oral sedation techniques include analgesics which might be narcotic or non-narcotic. Common anti-inflammatory drugs include ibuprofen and aspirin.

They work on the nervous system to reduce pain.

Like all pharmaceutical preparations, Oral Sedation drugs should be used with caution and under the supervision of a registered dentist only.

If you would like to know more about oral sedation or general anaesthesia in dentistry – or root canal treatments, dentures, teeth whitening or other dental surgeries please call us now at Align Dentistry & Medical Centre at Chipping Norton Sydney on [phone]