Braces straighten teeth really well, but good oral hygiene needs to be maintained at all times when on them. Food particles get stuck in the wires due to inadequate brushing of the teeth because of the Fear of damaging the brackets, could lead to inadequate brushing which could result in food particles getting stuck around the braces. Here are a few important tips to help you deal with this problem.

  1. Use the right equipment. The basic staple for oral care such as toothbrush and toothpaste are needed. Also, a floss and mouthwash are an important addition. Depending on your dentist’s prescription, you can use the usual toothbrush sold at the grocery store or a special type (e.g. interdental brushes are specialized to reach under the wire of the braces and thoroughly clean it). For the toothpaste, you can apply the usual amount that you use. Waterpiks are the extremely useful in getting  food out from around the braces.
  2. Cleaning method. While in the midst of cleaning your teeth, remember the mantra “under the braces and cover everything” which should be repeated five times. The toothbrush should be positioned below the braces and the movement should be in circular motions. This way, it is easier to move the brush and every surface of the teeth can be covered. The direction of brushing should start from the front teeth, moving to the back teeth. It is really important to pick up that brush after every time you have eaten something.
  3. Final touches. After cleaning the oral cavity with toothbrush and paste, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Use a mirror to check if there are still food particles remaining. If so, reconsider brushing your teeth again.
  4. Floss. The beauty of flossing lies in the removal of plaque between the teeth which cannot be reached normally by the toothbrush. Most dentists recommend a special type of floss that is easier to use with braces. This is characterized by a hardened end while the middle segment is soft so that it is easier to push under the wires.While flossing, just move it up and down. Between the gums, the movement should be C-shaped so that the area underneath it can be reached too. In the event that the gums start to bleed or flossing hurts, there is a chance that you have gingivitis. Please stop flossing and consult a dentist immediately. Flossing should be done tooth for tooth. If there are no more food particles left, you’re done. Otherwise, please continue.
  5. Mouthwash. The last step for every day mouth care is using mouthwash within the oral cavity. Follow the instructions placed at the back of the bottle of the mouthwash that you are using.

After doing these steps, don’t forget to face the mirror and smile. You have successfully cleaned your mouth and it is refreshed. Check also for any sores, loose brackets and wires that you might want to get checked with the dentist because these are detrimental for our oral health.