Align Dentistry & Medical Centre is a dentist that has been practising Dentistry for the past 18 years. A specialist in orthodontic treatment, we are constantly looking at innovations in dentistry that we introduce our patients to.
An innovation in orthodontics is Lingual Braces
Unlike metal braces, lingual braces are fixed to the back of your teeth, not the front. So, no-one can see them- not even you.
A complicated orthodontic solution, lingual braces require an experienced hand to understand and apply to patients who may benefit from it.
Lingual braces align your teeth to your smile
Let’s face it, your smile is your most impressive asset. It can take you more places than even your wallet or credit card can.
Lingual Braces apply ‘gentle pressure’ to your teeth, aligning them to the natural structure and shape of your jawline.
No-one will notice you’ve got them on – not even you
Lingual braces are non-invasively tucked on the back of your teeth, not the front.
So, no-one will know you’re wearing them – not even you! Yes, the treatment takes a little longer than ‘metal braces’ but the extra time is worth it. You align your teeth to the natural shape of your jaw and gain a stunning smile in return, too.
Brace yourself for a whole new world – and you!
A winning smile can open more doors than keys can. Lingual braces cost slightly more than metal braces do, but the comfort and confidence they give you make them more worth it in the long term.
As flexible as a gymnast is
The best part of lingual braces is they can be used in combination with metal braces. You can use traditional metal braces on the bottom row of your teeth where they are hidden by your lower lip and use lingual braces on your upper lip which is more visible to the public eye.
This type of treatment can save you a few dollars and make it more affordable for you.
Book a consultation
Lingual braces can cost from $5000 to $9500 – depending on your jawline and requirements. It’s not a small sum of money, so the responsible thing to do with Lingual Braces is to first discuss them with your dentist.
If you feel you may benefit from them, please call us to arrange a consultation on [phone].
Content author: Clixpert Digital Agency