Putting a good oral health routine into action can mean the difference between a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums, or decay and tooth loss. Brushing and flossing after each meal is essential to maintain good oral health. Following are some basic principles to follow to help ensure healthy teeth and gums.

  • Use toothpaste that are recommended by your dentist. This will ensure that you purchase the right paste for any conditions, as well as preventative measures for your teeth and gums.
  • When brushing your teeth, brush for at least three minutes. It is recommended to brush after each meal and snack. At a minimum, twice daily.
  • When brushing, gently brush your tongue.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day.
  • Visit your dentist every six months for a Dental Exam and teeth cleaning.

The goal is to practice good home oral health care. Doing so will help to remove and discourage plaque buildup around your teeth and gums, as well as to strengthen the enamel of your teeth, fight tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath.

What Results with Poor Oral Hygiene?

With poor oral hygiene, individuals open themselves up to a number of conditions. Plaque can easily build up around the base of the teeth and gum line, resulting in inflamed and red gums that are painful. When plaque accumulates, it causes tooth decay and gum disease.

Individuals also open themselves up to tooth decay and tooth loss. Spaces begin to form, and the destruction of bone and other fragile tissues that support the teeth can occur.

Contact Us Today

To schedule a dental appointment with an Align Dentistry & Medical Centre Dentist, contact us at the number below. We can also be reached through our “Enquire Now” form located on our web page. We are caring dentistry that is gentle and effective.

Call us at (02) 9723 5757 Enquire Now