When you look at a picture of yourself, what’s the first thing you notice? Your beautiful dazzling smile! That’s why dental care is such an important part of any health regime! Dentists in Moorebank know that your smile is a precious possession that you entrust in their hands. In order to protect and improve it, we use all the latest medical options available to us.


Such as dental implants! Are you missing teeth? Is that stopping you from enjoying your favourite food, or smiling widely at people? Overcome all these problems with the simple fix advocated by dentists – dental implants.

These are absolutely the next best thing to real teeth. In fact, no one but your dentist will even be able to tell them apart from your real teeth! Moorebank dental care teams suggest that dental implants actually have far better long-term value than any other conventional teeth replacement solution.

So, what are the top benefits of getting dental implants?


  • Confidence is the key factor in making your smile beautiful. And, with broken or missing teeth, it’s hard to be confident! We, the dentists in Moorebank, realise that. We also recognise that traditional corrective options like dentures or braces may not exactly boost the lost confidence!
  • Dental implants, however, look absolutely natural and fit comfortably into your mouth. While braces do a lot of good, they aren’t much use for gaps in your teeth! And, with dentures, half the time you’d be worrying about them landing across the table if you sneeze too hard! Implants let you relax and enjoy a regular social life, just the way you want to.


  • They’re very long-lasting! If you take good care, and maintain good oral hygiene, dental implants usually last, at least, as long as any other conventional teeth restoration option.
  • For the dentists at Align Dentistry, Moorebank, dental care is not just about immediate benefits but also about sustainability. We plan and install dental implants such that the long-term success rate is high. So, to ensure prolonged dental health, people often choose this option over others.


  • Unlike dentures, dental implants are screwed into your jawbone. Just like natural teeth! This not only helps to preserve the jawbone but also helps to prevent problems like bone resorption! Fixed into position by dentists, chewing food and speaking clearly becomes super easy, unlike when you have missing teeth.
  • Dental implants do not involve as much surgery as conventional bridgework for damaged teeth require! This helps to preserve tooth tissue and improves the facial and bone features far beyond what dentures can do!
  • Implants are a permanent solution to teeth loss, something that many other dental care practices do not necessarily provide. Most of the others need to be replaced periodically.
  • And, the best part? Dental implants need only the bare minimum care. No special cleansing tablets, or adhesives. Just brush and floss as you would do with your natural teeth, and that’s it. No need to worry about cavities either!


If reading this has made you wonder whether dental implants are the correct solution for your teeth problems, worry no more! At Align Dentistry and Medical Centre, we connect you to a responsible dentist, so that you can find out more about this brilliant tooth corrective option. Call us on (02) 9723 5757 to arrange a consultation today!