If you’ve received root canal treatment in Sydney you need to ensure you follow up with after care. Ensure you address any infections immediately and practise good dental hygiene. Align Dentistry & Medical Centre offer various procedures including Root Canal Treatment, Wisdom Teeth Removal and Invisalign in Sydney. Here’s how to recover from root canal treatment.

Listen to Your Dentist

Following root canal treatment in Sydney your dentist will be able to discuss with you what you can expect and what you need to do. You need to allow healing of the area surrounding the tooth. In most cases your body will do the work and the area will heal and symptoms will reduce on their own. If you are concerned that it’s not healing then you need to go back to your dentist for follow up.

Look out for Infections

Don’t leave an infection as they can spread to your head, neck, sinus and nasal areas which can lead to major complications. Keep a close eye on the healing process and visit your dentist if you have any concerns. You may require hospitalisation in some cases. Some infected teeth may require the prescription of antibiotics. This isn’t routinely done; however, in some circumstances they can be crucial.

Resuming Eating and Other Daily Activities

Once the anaesthesia has worn off you can get back to your normal daily routine which includes eating and drinking as you usually would. This differs from the recovery from wisdom tooth removal as this requires soft and cool foods to assist with swelling and the pain. You may still be experiencing some sensitivity initially though and may feel more comfortable chewing on the other side of your mouth. This gives the ligaments, nerves and tissues in the surrounding area of the root canal tooth time to recover. If the ligaments around the tooth are swollen they can be sensitive during chewing. If this is the case, see your dentist as they can reduce the biting forces on the tooth to make it easier for you to eat.

Alleviate Pain

As with all procedures including wisdom tooth removal and root canal treatment you may experience pain during the healing process. With root canal treatment this should be less than the pre-treatment pain. You may be advised to use anti-inflammatory medication during the healing period. If the pain is unbearable seek advice from your dentist.

Follow up Treatment

Following the root canal procedure as the soft tissue has been removed it can cause the tooth to become brittle. This increases the risk of fracture. Discuss your options with your dentist as they may recommend getting a metal crown in order to protect and strengthen your tooth.

For all procedures such as root canal treatment and wisdom tooth removal there is some level of recovery involved. Make sure you follow your dentist’s advice and don’t ignore any out of the ordinary symptoms. For top quality dental procedures such as root canal treatment, wisdom tooth removal or invisalign contact Align Dentistry & Medical Centre in Sydney.